Letter from the creator

Hi, my name is Caitlin Linney and I go by my last name, Linney, for my artist project. I’m a singer, songwriter & recording artist in the electronic music space. I've built my career by collaborating with other artists but for the past year I've been preparing to release my first solo project. So far I’ve already released, “Run to the Forest” & “Garden” and have built my NFT collection to be both inclusive and representative of the themes I introduce in both of these songs. Here's a link to my Spotify artist account, if you wanna check out my music ◡̈ 

Earlier this year, I worked with a very talented visual artist, Faeze, who helped me design a series of Forest Fairy PFPs that have unique strengths and abilities determined by their layers. These layers include: background/aura, element/power flair, wings, body, eyes, mouth/nose, hair, outfit, jewelry/crown, and tattoos that are "easter eggs” of my song titles. My first single, “Run to the Forest” is about returning "home" to yourself - where ever and whatever that may be - and igniting your true gift/power. I believe everyone is absolutely unique and has something special to offer the world. Music has always been "my superpower" (since it allows me to transform negative into positive) and my mission is to encourage and amplify others in finding and utilizing their own unique gift/power. Everyone has a story and I’d like to help you share yours. 

As a utility linked to my collection, I’ve created a gated Discord channel within my "Linneyland" server that is for NFT holders only. Within this channel, you will find the “Song Seed Garden.” You’re probably wondering what in the world is a “Song Seed Garden.” Let me explain: ever since I took Pat Pattison’s class at Berklee College of Music, I’ve adopted his concept of a “song seed.” A “song seed” can be ANYTHING that inspires you! This could be a quote, a photo, a sign you drive by on the freeway, a conversation you overhear on the subway…anything that sounds uniquely interesting to you that you’d like to spend more time with. I write it down in my notepad and bring it with me to songwriting sessions. And when my co-writers ask, “what do you want to write about today?” I open my song seed notebook and reference all the things I’ve collected. 

So in this “Song Seed Garden” I invite you to plant your ideas. Leave your story and tell me why it matters to you. Why should this song be heard? When I’m in my next songwriting session, I’ll reference the stories left in this space & I promise to take good care of them ♥ 

In addition to the “Song Seed Garden,” my goal is to give back to the community by helping up and coming producers have access to knowledge & support. I'll also be giving sneak peeks of new music to NFT holders, airdropping lyric sheets and hosting private listening parties.

Welcome to the forest.
